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- Are You A Victim Of This?
Are You A Victim Of This?
These Attacks Are Dangerous
Has Your Internal Dialog Changed To Never Feeling Good Enough?
If so, you could be suffering the damaging effects of a Psychic Attack
Better Known As “Toxic Brain Syndrome……..
Spiritual Attacks, Whether Mental, Physical or Emotional Are Dangerous
Let Me Repeat That In A Different Way…
Attacks On The Psyche Are Real and They Are Dangerous.
But, how do you know?
How do you know if you have been a victim of a Psychic Attack and now suffer with “Toxic Brain Syndrome” (the relentless chatter of the internal dialogue)
The effects of a physic attack can vary as can the severity of harm to One’s Integrity. However, all are harmful and need to stop.
Remember the Movie Inception?
“The scene at the dam when they were penetrating the mans psyche to the point that his defensive barriers started to attack his own mind”? Yes? Well, they can feel like that or even worse. They can take anywhere from minutes to years to recover from.
These attacks are often described as assaults on one's psyche or spiritual energy by negative or malevolent forces, but they can include other individuals, entities, or even psychic phenomena.
Dark Forces, Dark Energies Are Real.!!! They Need To Be Pushed Back.!!!
Psychic attacks can be traced back to Ancient Cultures and Practices of varying Faiths, to include Black Magick and Voodoo. People believed in the existence of supernatural forces and energies that could influence human lives. Today, in modern times more have awakened to the fact that these attacks are real and ongoing. As the matter of fact, some say that although they are becoming more prevalent they are also becoming easier to detect and reflect as we educate Ourselves and The Collective
Many Ancient cultures, such as those of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Indigenous peoples around the world, had spiritual practices that involved protection rituals against negative energies and entities. Shamans and Spiritual Leaders often acted as intermediaries between the spiritual and physical realms, protecting their communities from harm.
Today, the focus is more on the individual learning to protect themselves from negative forces and energies by studying philosophies like Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Paganism, and implementing the practices that feel in Alignment such as Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi, Grounding and Star Bathing.
Discussions on the existence of spiritual energies and the importance of protecting oneself from negative influences has been on the rise as of late and is ever more important now that “Rose Has Been Set Free” dark forces are searching for Her to return to the prison of old that caused the great severing from the Eternal Mother and Father.
New Age practitioners, psychics, and spiritual teachers often discuss psychic protection techniques and the importance of maintaining positive energy. And, while not truly subscribing as of yet to the supernatural aspects of psychic attacks, modern psychology does acknowledge the impact of negative thoughts, emotions, and interpersonal dynamics on mental and emotional well-being. Concepts like psychological self-defense, boundary setting, and coping mechanisms parallel some aspects of psychic protection.
It's important to note that beliefs in psychic attacks vary widely amongst individuals and cultural groups. While some people firmly believe in the reality of psychic attacks and take measures to protect themselves, others may view such beliefs as superstitious or unfounded. Ultimately, the belief in psychic attacks and the methods for protection against them are deeply anchored in the belief system that we hold within us about who we are.
For example, throughout history, various occult and esoteric traditions, including Hermeticism, Kabbalah, and Alchemy, have explored the nature of the universe and the human psyche. These traditions often discuss the existence of unseen energies, entities and some of the methods used for protection against negative influences.
And, so ya know, it all makes me ask this one question…
When Do We As A Species (Source Energy) Stop Assaulting Each Other’s Minds And Spirits?
How About You?
I say we take a step towards Unity and Bring About This New Earth As We Raise The Vibration Together. Let’s all getting together for a Powerful and Transformative Full Moon Meditation
I will be hosting a Live Mindful Meditation To Call In The Energies Of The Full Moon In Virgo On February 24th at 9 pm CST
Mark your calendars so you don’t miss calling in the energies of The Virgo Full Moon with The Collective.
Come Amplify Your Personal Power
“When We Meditate In A Group Setting We Amplify The Magick Of Our Soul”
See You At 8pm CST on Tiktok
Bright Blessings always
Laurie aka Sighmoon
Click the link below for the Free Live Event