Establishing Coherency Of Spirit

Methods Use For Centering Yourself

Coherency Of Spirit Is Everything Commit Yourself To Achieving Balance In Both Your Spiritual and Physical Life 

Some of the most common methods used To Obtain Balance And Remain Coherent Of Spirit Are: 





Diaphragmatic Breathing 


All of these can be used independently or in conjunction with one another to deepen your connection and understanding of The Divine Within.

By doing so, you will not only be able to manifest the life of your dreams, but you will also gain an Inner Peace that comes from That Inner Knowing.

By Aligning Your Heart’s Path With Your True Soul’s Calling You Will Know A PEACE that surpasses all understanding of the Physical 3D Plane and reaches to the 5D Plane and Beyond. 

The Energies Of This World Are Ever Changing. And, as such, It is becoming more important than ever for us to learn and put into practice not only these methods of self-regulation but other methods as well. Because, as we do this, we become better able to recenter ourselves to Coherency Of Spirit. And, will also be better at Holding Space for our Brothers and Sisters as they begin their own Awakening and pick up Their Cup To Begin Their Hero’s Journey and Delve Into The Void to see who they are. 

From Understanding Your Connection To The Divine Essence That Lives Within You, And Your Innate Ability To Work With The Energies Of The Ethereal and Angelic Realms You Will Be Able To Manifest The Life of Your Dreams.

By Being Coherent Of Spirit In True Alignment With Your Soul’s Path You Will Be Able to tell Your Story from an a more Authentic Heartfelt Place and enable others to find Peace along their Path as well as they Learn to Connect to the Divine Essence that lives within them. 

As Your Divine Essence Continues To Learn and Grow, It Will Expand Beyond Its Current State of Understanding and Establish A Deeper Connection to The Collective Consciousness. As such, it makes It vitally Important for all of us to learn all we can to self-regulate and maintain balance in order to help others on their Path To Ascension, Their Path To Light on this Hero’s Journey.


I would be remissed if I did not let you know

Rose and The Divine Are Calling For All Of Us To Open The Doors Of Communication and Allow The Healing To Continue. For, as we form the bonds we need for Our Soul Growth within a community of light-workers we are assured by The Universe that we are indeed connected and on the right path in this life. Through Synchronicities and Communal Bonds we can witness Firsthand The Miraculous Deeds Of The Divine 

Below are the 4 methods I use on a daily basis and an explanation on how you can begin using them immediately in your life to increase Your Coherency Of Spirit and begin working with the energies of this plane and the ethereal/angelic realms to manifest the life of your dreams.


Meditation is a key to the 5D and beyond. Connect to the Infinite by allowing your Divine Essence to fully connect and integrate to become exactly who you are supposed to be. 

Meditation, when used daily as a technique to increase your awareness and internal calm, establishes a Channel, if you will, A True Connection to The Ethereal/Angelic Realms and enables us to have increased Clarity Of The Divine Guidance in Our Daily Lives. It can not only increase mental clarity and resiliency. It can also assist in the reduction of stress and anxiety. And, when confronted with situations that trigger us or knock us out of Coherency Of Spirit causing chaos, we will be better able to Recenter Ourselves back to Coherency Of Spirit. Through the daily practices of Mindful Meditation, you will become more flexible to deal with the changes that life presents to you for your growth. 

Know that just as our personal needs differ from day to day so do the daily needs of The Collective. And by establishing a Deeper Connection to Our Higher Selves and The Collective Consciousness Of The Divine we start to see The Truth Of Who We Are and The Depth Of Our Connection. 

To Begin practicing Mindful Mediation you can use the link to my Free Meditation provided below. It is 5:55 in duration and is it set to Align Your Heart, Soul, Mind, Body and Spirit with that of the Divine. 

Begin by listening to it 1x to 2x’s daily. Once in the morning and once in the evening. (don’t worry that your mind will wander and that you may feel like it is not for you everyone feels this way when just starting). Commit to do doing it daily for 1 week and write down any notable insights that came to you. If one doesn’t come to you that you can think of then write down how you felt: i.e., calm, anxious, filled with love, confusion, doubt, whatever feelings you have just jot them down. 

Journaling: Take time daily to write down your thoughts and experiences and reflect on what brought you Peace, Joy and into Alignment, True Coherency Of Spirit and What Didn’t? What tried your patience or triggered you in some way? And, how did you react? 

Journaling in this way takes only a few moments a day and will provide much needed insight as to what you need to either remove from your life or bring into your life in order to remain Coherent Of Spirit.  

If you don’t have a journal for journaling per se then use a notebook anyone will do. I have one on my website as well as a book mark. I will provide the link to my website below, check it out if you want to. (subscribers to my newsletter can use coupon code “Coherency” and enjoy 20% off) 

Grounding: Although more research is required on the benefits of grounding it has been proven to be effective for reducing Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain and Improve Cardiovascular Heath. 

Grounding in it’s most basic form means to get out in nature, take your shoes of and allow the Pulse Of The Great Mother Earth To Flow Through You. As you relax and breath in the Love Of Divine You Will Begin To Feel More Calm, more Centered, and More Coherent Of Spirit. 

Some common methods for grounding are: Walking Barefoot, Hugging A Tree, and Lying on the ground as well as working with house plants and flowers and taking long baths for those of you that cannot get outside or feel it is too cold. 

Start slow, just 1 grounding technique a day and note any differences in the way you feel. But, Be Heart Felt, Let The Divine Know You Are Seeking To Connect Further and Ground Yourself with Their Love. It’s as simple as saying Thank You and sending your love. 

Give it a shot. And, remember to Journal how it made you feel. Also, note any synchronicities that come up throughout your day. 

The final Method is one that I have taught to many patients in my 35 years of working in Occupational Therapy, Being A Life Skills Coach, Spiritual Life Coach and An Intuitive Energy Healer. I have found it to be a tried and true method for Effecting Change Within Our Lives by helping us to Center Ourselves and Become Coherent Of Spirit. 

While Diaphragmatic Breathing does take some work to truly master and derive full benefit from it is a proven method to establish a connection To The Divine Consciousness Of The Collective. To Fully Align With Your Highest Potential On Your Path To Light, Your Path To Ascension To Live In A More Heart Centered, Heart Based Life Of Authenticity. 

To begin working with your Breath and Master Diaphragmatic Breathing take 3 to 5 deep breaths through the nose and out through your lips. Just focus on The Love Of The Divine entering your body with each breath and reaching all the way down to your toes and as you release your breath imagine all the stress, tension and negative thought leaving your body and being replaced by Positivity and Love. It can prove to be challenging in the beginning so I have put together a class for it. The information on the class is provided below.

I do hope you found value in this edition of my newsletter and are able to incorporate 1 if not all these methods into your daily routine. 

Bright Blessings 


Love and Light To You Always 

Laurie aka Sighmoon 2-5-2033